Movie 1: Line Experiment (Film 1: Linienexperiment)Movie 2: Responsibility diffusion (Film 2: Verantwortungsdiffusion)
First Floor
The themes are listed in a clockwise direction.
Movie 1: Stanford Prison (Film 1: Stanford Prison)Movie 2: What are the effects of pornographic movies? (Film 2: Welche Wirkungen haben pornografische Filme?)
moral (Morality)
Movie 1: Constructing the World (Film 1: Konstruktion der Welt)Movie 2: Disregarding norms (Film 2: Normenmissachtung)Movie 3: How blind can obedience make us? (Film 3: Wie blind kann uns Gehorsam machen?)
Vorurteile (Prejudice)
Movie 1: How much exclusion affects us (Film 1: Wie sehr uns Ausgrenzung trifft)
Movie 1: Suppressing thoughts (Film 1: Unterdrücken von Gedanken)Movie 2: Healthy in psychiatry (Film 2: Gesund in der Psychiatrie)
Movie 1: Stress Experiment (Film 1: Stress-Experiment)
Fehlattributation (Misattribution)
Movie 1: Misattribution (Film: Fehlattribution)
Glück (Happiness)
Film 1: Was bedeutet es, auswählen zu können? (Movie 1: What does it mean to be able to choose?)Film 2: Psychologische Grundbedürfnisse (Movie 2: Basic psychological needs)